Rivers of Healing is held once a month, where the Man of God prays for the sick with signs, wonders and miracles occurring.
“I believe in the willingness and power of God to heal in the name of Jesus Christ. As a young teenager, I was healed of two incurable diseases and have received grace to administer healing along with my team to you and your loved ones who need healing in their body or emotions.” - Founder - H. E. Ambassador Dr. Andre Thomas
To take the rivers of physical healing and emotional healing to the nations.
We hold two (2) special types of Rivers of Healing events, where we build the faith capacity of the person seeking healing and then administer the healing power of God. These events are focused on physical or emotional healing.
Surgery left Judith with one leg longer than the other which caused her to experience pain in her hip and was scheduled to undergo another surgery to correct the issue but Glory be to God through the ANOINTING her legs were corrected right before our very own eyes.
With a made-up mind, Judith knew exactly what outcome she wanted. Through her faith, she received healing, through her faith, a miracle was created.
You too, can be healed! Don't waste another day, another hour, or another second.
Your healing and miracle awaits you. Register now!
To participate in the Rivers Of Healing International sessions, registration is required.